Temple Photos
Below are selected pictures of temples and buildings from around the world. More photographs of temples are available in the country sections found on the left.
Except where noted, all images are the property of Rhett A. Butler, copyright 1994-2006. Contact me with questions regarding use, reproduction, or purchase of any of the pictures.
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 Bagan Temples, Burma
 Bagan Temple, Burma
 Petra, Jordan
 Ta Prohm, Cambodia
 Bayon/Angkor Thom, Cambodia
 Angkor Wat, Cambodia
 Angkor Wat, Cambodia
 Angkor Wat, Cambodia
 Angkor Wat, Cambodia
 Stupas at sunrise
 Doorway at Puri Saren Agung
 Stone face at Puri Saren Agung
 Statue at Puri Saren Agung
 Silhouetted Boboudur buddha in early morning
 Courtyard at Puri Saren Agung palace in Ubud
 Mural wall carvings at Borobudur
 Wall carvings at Borobudur, wheeled-cart
 Stone face at Puri Saren Agung
 One of ninety-two Dhyani Buddha statues at Borobudur
 Stone statue animal at Borobudur
 Mural wall carvings at Borobudur
 Hindu statue of a woman endowed with a generous tongue
 Borobudur temple
 Courtyard at the Enchanted Monkey Forest
 Carp in temple fountain at Monkey Forest
 Mossy statue
 Mural wall carvings at Borobudur
 Mural wall carvings at Borobudur
 Angkor Wat, Cambodia
 Jungle Wat , Cambodia
 Angkor Wat, Cambodia
 Angkor Wat, Cambodia
 Taj Mahal, India
 Silhouetted buddha of Boboudur
 Squat statue at Elephant Cave
 Mural wall carvings at Borobudur�women
 Mural wall carvings at Borobudur--pigs
 Silhouette of Boboudur at early morning
 Mural wall carvings at Borobudur-Buddha
 Courtyard at the Enchanted Monkey Forest
 Stupas at Borobudur
 Canyon in Monkey Forest
 The water maidens of the courtyard fountains at Goa Gajah
 Silhouetted Dhyani buddha of Boboudur at daybreak
 Phallic statue of a big with its hoofs over its eyes in Monkey Forest
 Mural wall carvings at Borobudur�woman
 Mural wall carvings at Borobudur
 Mural wall carvings at Borobudur
 Hindu statue
 Statue at Borobudur, open mouth
 Silhouette of stupas at Boboudur with moon setting in background
 Silhouette of Borobudur temple
 Taj Mahal, India
 Bayon, Cambodia
 Shwemawdaw Pagoda, Burma
 Petra, Jordan
 Petra, Jordan
 Angkor Wat, Cambodia
 Hindu Temple with hanging tree roots
 Statue at Puri Saren Agung palace; with offering
 Hindu Temple in Monkey Forest
 Wall carvings at Borobudur, people under tree
 Doorway at Puri Saren Agung palace
 Dragon bridge in Monkey Forest, Ubud
 Elephant Cave (Goa Gajah) entrance
 Mural wall carvings at Borobudur
 Mural wall carvings at Borobudur
 Borobudur temple
 Doorways at Borobudur
 Sunrise at Borobudur
 Temple at Goa Gajah
 Dog statue in Monkey Forest
Related sections:
Tulum ruins in Mexico,
Copan, Honduras,
Belize Ruins,
Ankor Wat, Cambodia,
Jungle Wat, Cambodia,
Bayon, Cambodia,
Segesta, Sicily,
Machu Picchu, Peru,
Ubud (Bali),