pictures: scenery in Madagascar

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Below you will find a collection of photos from Madagascar. Pictures were taken by Rhett A. Butler in 2009. While these images are the property of, it may be permissible to use them for non-commercial purposes (like powerpoint presentations and school projects), provided that the images are not altered in any form. Please read this for more details. If you are interested in using an image in a publication please contact me.

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Spiny forest vegetation at sunset (Berenty)

Turtle rock in Isalo (Isalo)

Isalo NP mountains (Isalo)

Sand dunes near Arovana (Ankorohoke)

Aerial view of deforestation in Madagasar

Aerial view of fire in western Madagascar (Tulear)

Pied crow flying at sunset above Isalo (Isalo)

Isalo NP mountains (Isalo)

Aerial view of erosion in southern Madagascar

Canyon des Singes in Isalo NP (Isalo)

Rosewood timber smuggling boat

Sunset in Fort Dauphin

Andringitra vegetation

Rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley

Kids playing soccer in Tana

Village along RN7

Aerial view of rice paddies, forest degradation, and erosion near Ft. Dauphin

Fire in Madagascar

Savanna fire in Madagascar

Rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley

Villages and rice fields along RN7

Ferns illuminated in the late afternoon sun

Man transporting firewood in Madagascar

Aerial view of a beach near Ft. Dauphin

Forest fire near Masoala

Flooded rice fields at sunset

Tavy or slash-and-burn agriculture in Madagascar

Deforestation near Ranomafana

Striated riverbanks (Manambolo)

Flooded terraced rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley

Aerial view of deforestation and erosion in southern Madagascar (Isalo)

Brick-making area in Tana

Rice fields of Malagasy highlands (RN7)

Villages and rice fields along RN7

Mitsinjo reforestation nursery

Aerial view of sisal plantation near Amboasary

Aerial view of rice paddies outside of Fort Dauphin

Rice paddies along RN7

Alluaudia comosa

Rice fields in the Antanifotsy Valley

Downed rainforest tree

Tsaranoro Mountain

Fuelwood and charcoal for sale in Ankiliberengy village

Tsara Camp tents


Spiny forest along RN7 near Tulear

Villages and rice fields along RN7

Approaching storm at sunset in Isalo (Isalo)