Calendars | Shirts
Page 1:
Longhorn Beetle in flight with guide Armand |
Green caterpillar |
Caterpillar |
Comet moth |
Leaf mimic insect |
Leaf insect |
mantid brown |
mantid yellow |
Flatid leaf bugs (Phromnia rosea) |
Adult Flatid leaf bugs (Phromnia rosea) |
Pill Millipede Ball |
Pill Millipede (Green color) |
Stick Mantid |
Flatid leaf bug nymphs, tree trunk |
Butterfly feeding on pink flower in Bali |
Black and white striped caterpillar with orange head |
Blue and green butterfly |
Honey bee preparing to land on yellow flower |
Spiny yellow caterpillar |
Red Grasshawk (Neurothemis fluctuans) |
Brachydiplax dragonfly on blade of grass |
Brachydiplax dragonfly species |
Yellow-, green-, and orange-spotted butterfly in leaf litter |
Iguaze Butterflies, Brazil |
fire ant , Grand Canyon |
wasp , Grand Canyon |
Grasshopper, Honduras |
Katydid, Honduras |
Moth, Honduras |
Moth, Honduras
Page 2:
Pray Mantis, Honduras |
Butterflies, Honduras |
Moth, Honduras |
Insect, Honduras |
Swarms of lake flies in a garden near Lake Victoria |
Black and yellow butterfly |
Red wasp feeding on white flowers |
Colorful butterflies feeding on minerals in a dirt road |
Dung beetles |
Green caterpillar |
Green Mantid |
Mantid purple antenna |
Small copper colored spider in Gabon |
Close up on a fly |
Dung beetle pushing a ball of dung |
Black and turquoise dragonfly with turquoise eyes |
Black, yellow, and blue dragonfly |
Green and black dragonfly resting on leaf |
Green mantid looking into the camera |
Blue green and copper colored grasshopper with large red eyes and yellow antennae |
Leech preparing to bite a man's arm |
Large black beetle in Borneo |
Black and white butterfly feeding on flower nectar |
Bright green cicada |
Grasshawk dragonfly (Neurothemis fluctuans) |
Blue and black butterfly in rainforest of Borneo |
Blood-sucking leech on deck of �klotok� (the traditional long boat of this part of Borneo) |
Deep red millipede on forest floor |
insect, Grand Canyon |
wasps, Grand Canyon
Page 3:
Blue Morpho Caterpillar, Honduras |
Parides Butterfly, Honduras |
Moth, Madagascar |
Insects, Malaysia |
Phoebis philea and Anteos menippe butterflies in large group feeding on minerals in mud |
Phoebis philea and Anteos menippe butterflies in large group feeding on minerals in mud |
Large stick insect |
Multi-colored butterfly on a beach (unknown species) |
Bee burrowing in the sand |
Multi-colored grasshoppers mating |
Heliconius sara butterfly |
Large bamboo-like walking stick insect |
Beige grasshopper |
Well camouflaged insect, resembling lichen |
Lycorea halia butterfly |
Nest of colony spiders (family: Araneidae) |
Black moth with orange and green markings |
Green, brown, and black insect |
White butterfly |
Ant nest made of leaves |
Tarantula spider |
Mass of caterpillars on leaf litter of forest floor |
Round black fury caterpillar |
Round black fury caterpillar |
Owl butterfly |
Small green, gold, and brown scorpion |
Black and yellow centipede |
Ants |
Ants |
Page 4:
Beetle |
White furry caterpillar with yellow head and two orange spots at base of head |
Camouflaged spider on tree trunk |
Mating flies as view through palm leaf |
Rhetus periander butterfly |
Biblis hyperia butterfly sucking moisture from drying laundry |
Colorful, but known grasshopper-like insect |
Colorful, but known grasshopper-like insect |
Black, gray, white and red spider |
Unknown butterfly with orange, brown, and white markings on outer part of the wing |
Unknown butterfly with black and light blue outer wings |
Arawacus butterfly |
Callicore cynosura butterfly with wings closed |
Black grasshopper with indigo blue eyes and yellow polkadots |
Unknown butterfly with orange, brown, and white markings on outer part of the wing |
Panacea prola butterfly, wings open |
Panacea prola butterfly, wings open |
Panacea prola butterfly, wings closed |
Praying mantis standing guard of its tree |
Ceiba borer beetle |
Leaf cutter ant carrying leaf |
Small red beetle |
Unknown butterfly with light and dark brown patterned wings and orange on the upper wing |
Unknown butterfly with light and dark brown patterned wings and orange on the upper wing |
Biblis hyperia butterfly, brown to black with red on its wings |
Panacea prola butterfly, wings open |
Brown katydid with green marking on its back |
Yellow-green butterfly, possibly Nessaea obrinus with wings closed |
Glowing click beetle |
Glowing click beetle
Page 5:
Click beetle with glow lights |
Reddish-brown stick insect |
Greenish-brown katydid |
Red rainforest crab |
Yellow and red spider in web |
Dark brown centipede |
Katydid |
Red, black, and white insect |
Mass of caterpillars |
Mass of caterpillars |
Green grasshopper with yellow and black bands, and red, yellow, orange, and black striped legs |
Turquoise fly with black wings and bright red eyes |
Possibly a Heliconius butterfly (species unknown) |
Possibly a morpho butterfly (species unknown) |
Giant metallic ceiba borer beetle, Euchroma gigantea, on Kapok tree |
Black wasp on canopy platform |
Brown grasshopper with white marking |
Light green grasshopper with yellow and maroon striped legs |
Beetle with black body, white and black back, and turquoise legs |
Beetle with black body, white and black back, and turquoise legs |
Beetle with black body, white and black back, and turquoise legs |
Light green grasshopper with yellow and maroon striped legs |
Adelpha iphiclus butterfly on pebbles |
Green, blue, yellow, red, and black grasshopper |
Large white and yellow fury caterpillarthat resembles a shitzu |
Large white and yellow fury caterpillarthat resembles a shitzu |
Yellow and black beetle on screen (unknown species) |
Walking stick insects mating |
Walking stick insects mating |
Black insect (unknown)
Page 6:
Small black, red, yellow, and white beetle |
Shitzu-like caterpillar, white and yellow fur |
Amarynthis meneria butterfly on leaf |
Urania leilus day-flying or diurnal moth |
Heraclides thoas butterfly on muddy bank |
Bullet ant (Paraponera clavata) |
Leaf-cutter ant nest |
Leaf-cutter ant nest |
Callicore cynosura butterfly feeding on minerals from a muddy river bank |
Ginormous ant on forest floor |
Gigantic ant on forest floor |
Green grasshopper |
Three beige, yellow, black, and white grasshoppers on a leaf |
Brown grasshopper |
Brown grasshopper with white marking |
Yellow grasshopper |
Green grasshopper with gray-black legs and a yellow stripe down its back |
Green grasshopper |
Thin stick insect on tree trunk |
Brown katydid |
Katydid with light green spots on back and each leg |
Butterfly on hand |
Spider hanging from web |
Stick insect in the Amazon rain forest |
Beige millipede in the Amazon rainforest |
Pair of Tailless whip scorpions (Amblypygid sp) |
Tail-less whip scorpion (Amblypygid sp) |
Silver-gray millipede in eating leaf Amazon rainforest |
Black and yellow centipede in Amazon rainforest |
Rainforest spider
Page 7:
Red-orange, black, white, and maroon caterpillar on underside of leaf |
Unknown insect |
Unknown insect |
Brown, black, and white butterfly |
Black, blue, and turquoise dragonfly |
Group of Male Perrhybris pamela and yellow and black butterflies |
Black and yellow butterflies at river's edge |
Group of Male Perrhybris pamela butterflies feeding on minerals in clay along the Rio Tambopata |
Lasaia agesilas butterfly |
Blue morpho butterfly (Morpho menelaus) |
Small brown insect with red marking |
Heliconius sara butterfly |
Heliconius butterfly |
Bullet ant (Paraponera clavata) |
Insect with red eyes, turquoise markings, and white feather-like appendages near its tail |
Katydid -- with green body, brown head, and bright blue eyes -- sleeping in bamboo shoot |
Iridescent green beetle |
Insect with red eyes, turquoise markings, and white feather-like appendages near its tail |
Red and black insects on a green fruit |
Large black beetle |
Unknown butterfly, lime green wings with beige to yellow border |
Small yellow and silver beetle |
Unknown insect |
Red, yellow, and green insect |
Spider on web |
Wildlife |
Wildlife |
Katydid on tree trunk |
Katydid on tree trunk |
Wolf spider
Page 8:
Thorn spider |
Firefly on ground |
Small red and black beetle |
Cicada between fingers |
Camouflaged grasshopper |
Stick insect |
Walking stick insect under a leaf |
Owl butterfly (Caligo idomeneus) |
Owl butterfly (Caligo idomeneus) |
Butterfly at night |
Katydid eating a mushroom |
Giant stick insect |
Giant walking stick insect with a person's hand for scale |
Walking stick in the Peruvian rainforest |
Clear-winged Cithaerias pireta butterfly feeding on dung |
Clear-winged Cithaerias pireta butterfly |
Black-and-white butterfly with orange eyespot in Peru |
Green, teal, blue, pruple, red, and black insect in Peru |
Green, teal, blue, pruple, red, and black insect in Peru |
Diaethria clymena butterfly |
Green cicada in Peru |
Spider emerging from canopy tower structure |
Butterfly in the rainforest canopy |
Camouflaged praying mantis on tree trunk |
Insect, Thailand |
Grasshopper, Venezuela |
Clown worm |
Black green and white grasshopper in Uganda |
Closeup on an orb spider |
Blue, violet, and purple fly with red eyes
Page 9:
Tan and orange butterfly feeding on bird droppings |
Black caterpillar on a tree stem |
Blue Morpho Butterfly
Crayola katydid
Butterfly on beach |
Masoala peninsula beetle |
Longhorn Beetle (Cerambycidae) |
Grey moth |
Black pill millipede |
Brown mantid at Isalo |
Giraffe-necked Weevil |
Giraffe necked Weevil |
Pink and green grasshopper at the petite tsingy |
Green pill millipede on tree trunk |
Green pill millipede rolled in palm of hand |
Green pill millipede rolled in ball |
Green walking stick insect |
Lutinus Beetle |
Praying Mantis (Brown color) |
Mantid Purple Antenna |
Mantid Yellow |
Moth |
Praying mantis beige |
Red beetle |
Red clear-wing butterfly |
Red millipede on log |
Red millipede compared with size of hand |
Stick insect in Masoala NP |
Nocturnal stick insect |
Teal and black butterflies
Page 10:
Urania riphaeus moth |
Walking stick insect |
White moth |
Yellow and blue butterfly |
Yellow and blue butterfly on ground |
Silkworm in protective bark cocoon |
Black and tan dragonfly |
Giant black bee feeding on morning glory flower nectar |
Green mantid |
Forest leech on man's wrist |
Large black beetle on clothing |
Ants hauling body parts of a dead insect up a tree trunk |
Yellow butterfly in Borneo |
Brown cicada |
Fire ants in Borneo |
Colony of termites in moving along a log in the jungle |
Red weevil-like insect with yellow and black legs |
Bright red insect |
Yellow-, green-, and orange-spotted butterfly with blue underparts |
Orange butterfly on forest floor in Borneo |
Black butterfly with white markings |
Iridescent turquoise and black butterfly in hand |
Grasshopper |
Black butterfly with blue-purple markings on its wings |
Caterpillar, Belize |
Caterpillar, Belize |
Blue Morpho Caterpillar, Honduras |
Butterfly, Honduras |
Butterfly, Honduras |
Owl Butterfly, Honduras
Page 11:
Owl Butterfly, Honduras |
Parides Butterfly, Honduras |
Millipede, Madagascar |
horned spider, Thailand |
Moth, Thailand |
Stick Insect, Thailand |
Black caterpillar with red spots |
Bright green leafhopper |
Black segmented millipede on grass |
Black segmented millipede |
Black, blue and white butterfly in Uganda |
Orb spider in Uganda |
Extreme closeup on an orb spider |
Butterfly with black wings and white spots |
Butterfly |
Aqua and black butterfly on blade of grass |
Red butterfly with blue eyes |
Butterfly |
Black and orange millipede |
Black and white butterfly |
Butterflies gathering to feed on elephant dung |
Black and yellow butterflies feeding on minerals in elephant dung |
Hundreds of butterflies feeding on elephant dung |
Hundreds of yellow and black butterflies feeding on minerals and moisture in a pile of elephant dung |
Orange insect on our windshield |
Hanging caterpillar |
Green caterpillar with dark green and black stripes |
Black and yellow orb spider